Tuesday, March 9, 2010

signs of boy.

A boy lives here.

There's no doubt.  Evidence abounds.

This belongs to a boy.
(yes, it's on the floor)

So does this.

And these, left on the stairs.

And this award proudly displayed by a boy, for sure.

And this is perpetually worked on and shoved in the corner until time is found to work some more.

And this proud collection (of disney pins) is one of many collections he treasures.

And everything needs to be saved.

note here:  the orange car his sister made him--broken, but must be saved
his  school papers--save
and the darn happy meal toys--this one a plastic coffin???--save!

Sounds of boy are here too. Adventures in Odyssey and Tobymac blast from his bedroom.  Every move he makes has a soundtrack--motors, screeching brakes, pretend screams.  The doorbell is always ringing, cause playing outside is always best.  And the laughter.  Lots of laughter--especially at falling down and bodily noises.

Yup, a boy lives here.  With us.  (you see, one of our boys lives in heaven).  This one lives here.  It's messy, smelly and delightful.  Aren't I blessed to be a boy's mama?

sporting part of his veteran ensemble for dictionary day at school

Now, if I could only figure out how to keep him clean for more than five minutes...

Unwrapping this everyday, yet profound gift with Emily at Chatting at the Sky.


  1. You are so blessed, Dawn. I love my daughter to no end, but I would also love to have a son.

  2. Hi Dawn. I was here earlier today and tried to comment, but when I hit publish nothing would happen. Not sure how many others might have had that same problem? Maybe a Blogger issue? I don't know....

    Anyway, I'm so glad I came by. I love boy-mamas. And even though mine are much younger, I still catch a little glimpse of what you share here. And I love it. (my favorite of your photos? The paper airplane award! Awesome.)

    And I also wanted to express my sympathies for the loss of your other son. I read Aidan's story, and my heart goes out to you. I'm so, so sorry.


  3. elizabeth--thanks for coming back and for your sweet comment. i don't know if there is a comment issue with blogger today or not...weird. Thanks again for persevering!

  4. Yes, they are such blessings. Them and their messy selves. And in the case of my oldest, injury prone self. Wouldn't have it any other way though.

    I read Aiden's story. So sorry for your loss.

  5. there is just something about a boy, isn't there... mine keeps me laughing and melts my heart. on a daily basis. thanks for sharing bits of your boy... a blessed mama for sure. and one day... one day you'll hold your other son in your arms again... and heaven will be that much sweeter.

  6. "Every move he makes has a soundtrack--motors, screeching brakes, pretend screams."
    After having a quiet bookworm girl first, the two boys in the middle are described in your statement here quoted. OH. MY. GOODNESS!! that is so THEM. Somedays it is hard to take (because of the decibel level) other days I am so glad to hear them (especially when they are coming from the backyard). Girls don't tend to have an auto-matic soundtrack, well, except when they are trying to keep up with their older brothers...
    Great post.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for this. God made me the momma to 3 girls before He sent the boy...Oh Boy! I told my friends with boys I owed them all apologies. I never knew boy could be so _________. Everything about hiim is so much more:noise, smell, roughness, love, hugs...But he sure holds a special place in my heart, along with his baby brother.

  9. I've got lots of boy at my house, too. LOTS of boy. As you know. And, I still loved seeing more boy in your pictures. Bubba is a cutie. Love him.

  10. Oh...what I have to look forward to. My boys are 5-years, 18-months and due in June. It looks like it is gonna be me & my 3-year-old daughter against an onslaught of males. Loved your post!

  11. I have two of my own (3 and 2)...They are busy, exhausting, energetic, wild, loving, kind and messy....did I mention MESSY? :) A true blessing though...



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