Friday, April 9, 2010

my portion and my cup

Boy, the Fridays come quickly...and it's time for my weekly catch-up with the company girls.

Last Friday had me hurrying around on Good Friday, and this Friday finds me slowed way down--which also makes it a good Friday. {smile}  Not that I don't have a list of to dos--cause I do.  But I have hardly anything on the schedule and I can do everything at my own pace.

The week gone by was taxing due to watching my poor hubby suffer from back pain that sucked his breath away.  Easter was really, really bad for him.  Boo.  He has some degenerating disks in his back (apparently his back is quite a bit older that he is for some reason...) and the pain comes and goes.  When it comes and keeps coming, a pain shot is in order.  He had one on Monday morning.  We got quite discouraged when it didn't help that day, or the next (and my discouragement came through on my post Tuesday), but on Wednesday he was feeling a lot better.  We have been praying like crazy and still are...cause the doc says there is no cure, and this is his life now.  Double-triple-boo.

I finally feel like I've recovered from the Easter community event I led at church (it seemed to take a long while!) and am now feeling the energy to move forward and even dream a little at work.  Whew.  Needed to get back to this place in my head.

I read a good book this past week that was very encouraging.  I even posted a review of My Bangs Look Good and Other Lies I Tell Myself --a first for me.

We finished our Bible Study this week on the book of Esther (Beth Moore's study, have you done it??).  It was a really good study--all about the way God turns things around in our life, about destiny, about His providence, about Big-G-Good for sure.  After yesterday's closing study, I am reflecting once again on a favorite verse from the Psalms:

Seeing the circumstances that come into my life, the wonderful ones as well as the hard ones, as an assignment from God is a good perspective for me to focus on.  There are parts of my life I wish I could change, and I can get discouraged.  But they are my portion, my God-given assignment--and He has made me secure in the midst of it all.  I get to grab the handle of that cup with peace.

Beth Moore said this towards the end of the study, and I want to encourage you with it:

"No matter what life--or Satan Himself--hands us, the favor God has on His children cause that "lot" to tumble out on the table in such a way that, instead of destruction, the child will discover her portion turned into destiny one trusting step at a time.  When all is said and done, she will see that the portion God assigned her was good."  

Now, go embrace your assignment today one trusting step at a time.  I will too.


  1. Hi, can we be friends? You encourage me a lot. I'd like to be as wise as you, even though I know you don't always feel wise. You've been challenging and encouraging me for 10 years, Dawn, and I am always thankful for your thoughts (and the truth of knowing your life as a IRL friend). Remind me this whole embrace my assignment thing when I'm forgetting, okay?

  2. Very good thoughts, Dawn. THanks for your perspective. :)

  3. Lovely post. Nice to "meet" you!

    Visiting from:

  4. Thanks for sharing that quote from Beth Moore. It's a good one. I haven't done the Esther study yet, but I am looking forward to making the time before too long.

  5. Hi Dawn! I'm glad that you are able to slow down a bit this week. Hopefully you can recharge further this weekend.

    I haven't done a Beth Moore study for several years. Last fall I signed up for BSF's study of John and I know that's where I need to be for now. However, doing a couple of Beth Moore studies (before I had kids) did help prepare me for the rigor of BSF!

  6. I love Beth Moore, but I haven't done the Esther study yet. I will definitely be checking into that one.

  7. Hope your hubby's back is better soon. It doesn't sound good at all. I've said a prayer for him.

    The book sounds like a good one. I've been looking for one to read.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. Praying for your husband and his back issues...

    I have not done the Esther study (we are doing Beth's Daniel study right now and it is AWESOME!)but look forward to it soon!

    Have a great weekend~!

  9. I know all about back issues. Certainly no fun there. Hope things are better soon.

  10. okay, i heart this verse. it's on a scrap of paper from where i scribbled it down years ago -- and has somehow made it's way into my underwear drawer. too much information, i know, but it serves well as a DAILY reminder that grace is handed out in portions. Great post.


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