Tuesday, April 6, 2010

finding the gift today

It's Tuesday.  On Tuesdays I unwrap an everyday gift along with Emily at chatting at the sky.

Lately life has been a push.  Lots of busyness going on.  My energy has been low.  My husband's back pain has been oppressive--we all hate seeing him in so much pain, and we miss having the "normal him" around.  I've been doing more taxiing of everyone, since he is unable.  I'm very behind on laundry.  Forgot to check Bubba's school papers and his teacher had to send second notices on several things, and some homework was late.  ugh.  Never was able to find Pickle a new shirt to wear to her band contest today--so she is off in one that is fairly uncomfortable.  And she had to dry it herself.  And I'm thinking grocery shopping would be a good idea... I could go on and on.

(As I am writing this my hubby has come through the door, home from his attempt to brave the pain and go to work.  He never made it there.  He is so discouraged.  We were hopeful the pain shot he got yesterday was going to help by now.  poop.)

Where is the gift to unwrap today?  

All that comes to my mind is Philippians 4:13:  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."  This is a verse that is familiar to me, to many.  I'm (can I say this?) almost bored with it--it sounds like a pat answer I rattle off to myself.  Yet, I have relied on it's promise when facing big challenges.  And it's been proven true.  Strength that could only come from God has amazed me during very dark days.

But God has been reminding me lately that the same promise applies to the everyday challenges as well.  His strength allows me to go on in the midst of the everyday--the laundry, the tasks, the insensitive words, the tired, the little challenges, the wondering when things will change.

Through Christ, I can be both parents while my hubby is struggling.  Through Christ, I can serve him in his pain.  Through Christ, I can feed my family.  Through Christ, I can peel myself off the couch at night after homework and clean up.  Through Christ I can face each day with enough strength to look beyond myself and my family and to give at my job and to others.  Through Christ.

I don't have a major mountain to climb today, just lots and lots of little hills.  And through Christ I will have the strength.  That is my gift today.  I'm leaning hard on Him. In the little things too.


  1. strength for the little hills. beautiful.

  2. Sometimes it is those daily "hills" that I find hardest to tackle. Nice.

  3. And doing it all as unto the Lord. That gives me a hard time sometimes. Sounds like you have a good perspective on it all. Praying hubby is better soon.

  4. You are so right about this, Dawn. Sometimes it's those never-ending little hills that are the hardest ones to climb day in and day out.

    By the way, I love your blog redesign!

  5. this is a timely post for me...I feel like napping on those little hills instead of tackling them. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. God cares as much about our hills as our mountains...great post!

  7. sending a prayer your way...sometimes those hills are tougher than the mountain... and they seem to go on forever. cling to that verse... cling to it.
    love you...

  8. what an honest post. kudos for your perspective in the midst of this chaos...


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