Monday, April 5, 2010

Thankful Monday.

holy experience

I am continuing to work my way to documenting 1000 gifts and sharing some of them with you on Mondays.

253.  12 baptisms.  We had the joy of celebrating baptism with 12 kids and adults at our church on Palm Sunday.  I get to teach the baptism class, and hear their stories, and it brings me great joy when I see them taking this step in their faith.  My favorite part of all the testimonies was when one little guy (pictured below) said he is "tight with God" and that "every time he prays his relationship with God gets bigger and bigger".  Music to this Children's Ministries Director's ears.

255. Laughing 'til you cry.  That's what my mom and sisters do when we get together.  When my sister Kim visited last weekend there was much laughing and several times it turned to the inevitable tears.  Cracks me up.  I'd post a picture, but it's not pretty.

265.  Hearing from God.  He has been talking to me, encouraging me, in the midst of some discouragement.  I am always amazed when He uses a Bible Study curriculum or book written for many and says something directly to my individual heart.  Isn't God cool?

269.  It's a GIRL!!! (no, I'm not pregnant--yikes!).  My sister Kerry (who you may remember lost her sweet Sadie a year ago) just found out that the child she is carrying is a little girl!  We are ecstatic that it's a she and that she looks great.  Can't wait to hold her.

270.  Good Friday service...taking time to focus on the work Jesus did on the Cross.  My hubby and three other guys from small group sang a beautiful song from Isaiah 53.  I was so proud of them...they sounded awesome.  We all confessed our sin by writing on red slips of paper that we all took turns nailing to cross as we went to communion.  The sound of the nails echoed through the room...over and over again.  And the cross ended up covered in red...

277.  Coloring eggs with my kids and my 3 year old nephew who was trying it for the first time.  He loved it, and it was fun to have the little guy with us so we could see it all through his eyes.

What are you thanking God for this week?

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about what you're thankful for. Good timing right now, to remind myself of thankful-things, since I'm just mad at my house. :) Love you!


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