Friday, April 2, 2010

I wish I didn't have to hurry...

photo: Brian Peterson

It's Good Friday.  

The busyness of the last few weeks have left me feeling a little depleted.  I usually bounce back from a busy season with the fervor of someone free from the weight of responsibility--excited for time to pursue other things.  I've been dragging though...  Is this age?  Could getting older slow the bounce-back process? Ohno!  Maybe it's just that there have been things to deal with this week too.  My hubby's back pain has been unmanageable again (poor guy) and I've done a few days of both of our shares of running around.  There has been some emotional stuff for me to carry as well (nothing big, just wearying).  

So.  Today has arrived.  Good Friday.  Two days before Easter.  I've done nothing to prepare for Easter.  There are baskets to fill, outfits to figure out, eggs to boil and color.  I wish my house was properly decorated (somehow I never got to that this year).  I love to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the new life He gives us with gusto.  It's a big day.

So I need to hurry--so much to do!  However, in all of my plans to hurry, there is a part of me that wants to, NEEDS to, reflect on Christ's work on the cross.  I reflected some on the Garden the other day--cause it is particularly meaningful for me.  Today is a day to reflect on the cross.  I planned to do this to the kids' hands this morning...but Pickle left for school before I remembered.  (I'm gonna do it when she comes home though--and Bubba is off so I can still do it with him this morning).

I read an excerpt from the Ragman on my friend's blog this morning...I highly encourage you to pop over there and a take a few reflective moments to read it.

What is going through my mind are these words from a song, 

"Behold the man upon the cross 
My sin upon His shoulder
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished" 

by Stuart Townsend--you can find lyrics to the whole song here.

I need to hurry today.  I haven't yet, but I'm about to.  That's just life.  So I pray that these words continue to echo through my mind as I go about preparing for the celebration of Easter.  That they stay with me until our Good Friday service tonight.  I don't want to give in to the temptation to fast forward to Easter...I want to bask in the price paid for me.  Good Friday is the ultimate example of Big-G-Good.

I am linking up with the Company Girls today...and wish you all a very Blessed Easter!


  1. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and also that your husband's back starts to feel better....:)

  2. Hope your husband's back starts to feel better. Happy Easter!

  3. i am way behind too. or i was! i finally went out to to unearth my kids baskets yesterday... but my heart is ready :)

  4. Hope your husband's back feels better soon. And that you will be able to catch a breath. No decorations over here either and we missed the big egg hunt this morning. Oh well. We're looking forward to Easter service tomorrow though.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by Dawn....I appreciated your words. Just leaning on the Lord...


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