Monday, July 26, 2010


pickle and her daddy

Pickle.  She's 14.  She's heading into high school.  She's beautiful (I'm not biased).  She has had two junior-high-versions-of-boyfriends.  All facts.  I know these things.  AND I know how things work...

And then yesterday.  Church service was several minutes from beginning.  Pickle sat in one of the rows towards the front with Bubba, holding a seat for me.  My hubby was in the sound booth and was wiring me up to give the announcements that morning.  All normal-type stuff.

I casually glance over at Pickle.  She is turned around in her seat talking to someone.  A boy.  I didn't recognize the back of his I casually wander up there and see that it is a young man from youth group that I don't know well yet.  He is a few years older than Pickle and has apparently come over to talk to her specifically.  As they chat, up walks another young man I know a bit better--one year older than her, and a friend of hers.  He explains that he hasn't talked to her in so long!  How is she?  I note he has crossed the room to see her.

I walk back to the rear of the room and observe.  My baby girl.  Talking.  Laughing.  Smiling her killer smile.  At two boys who came to her.  Deep breath, mama.  I remind myself it's developmentally normal.  I'm glad she is learning to relate more easily to boys as friends.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And it really hit me.  She is NO LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE! She's a young woman.  Wait!  Pause!  I want more time!

And then she posts this picture of herself on facebook after messing around with her hair.

Ohmy.  I better buckle in.


  1. Dawn, she IS beautiful. This post makes me want to kiss my baby boy and hold on to each moment. 14 years from now and he might be the boy in someone else's blog post.

  2. Oh, Dawn, she is a STUNNER. :) But she also looks like the kind of girl with her head on straight. And I know she's got a good, praying mama. I think you-all will be just fine. :)

  3. Dawn buckle up and hold on. Aren't you glad she is growing normal and healthy. I know her future is bright, and you get to watch the fireworks. Blessings**

  4. Yes, buckle up! Kat goes into high school this year, too, and we've also noticed the same thing happening around her. The difference is that she seems to be oblivious to the "extra" attention. And that's a very good thing. My son (he's a senior this fall) started dating the sweetest (Christian) young lady last year and they are still dating. It's a little tough on the mama heart sometimes to not be the number one woman in his life.

    Time flies, doesn't it???

  5. you may be biased... but your daughter is a beauty! buckle up, indeed!

  6. She's so adorable, and 14 is such a crucial age. Hold her close while you can.

  7. breathe deep and get ready. our 18 year old is heading to college in two weeks - with her boyfriend of 14 months. YIKES! :-S

  8. oh my is right! she is beautiful. that's where i'll be in another 10 years or so, right? =p any tips? hehe

  9. You better buckle in is right -- she is GORGEOUS! But it sounds like you have a communicative, open relationship (you know about the boyfriends, after all!), and that's great! That will be the key to getting through these teenage years, yes? I don't guys are so little yet!


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