Monday, July 5, 2010

She's leaving on a jet plane...

Pickle's packing.

She is meeting friends from youth group at church at 2:30 am (I know!!) to head to the airport.  They are traveling to Louisville, KY for our denomination's once-every-three-years conference for thousands of high schoolers called LIFE.  LIFE is something we've heard about many times over the years...and now my little girl is old enough to attend!

Today she read to me her choices of seminars from the long list of options, and I choked up.  One, because I'm overjoyed that she has such a wonderful opportunity to learn about such fantastic topics.  And two, because she was making great choices that show some thought and care on her part--rather than choosing what sounded the most entertaining or fun.  She sounded just a bit mature at that moment.

I am praying that God will speak to her heart this week.  I am praying she listens.  I am praying that her faith deepens and her relationship with God becomes even more intimate and real to her.  I pray she is a sponge who soaks up the whole thing.

I don't know what He has planned.  I'm pretty sure it's good, though.  It's Big-G-Good.

Oh, and along with Hawk Nelson, Kutless and other cool musicians she is going to hear this guy.  I encourage you to take a few minutes and see what this dude can do with an acoustic guitar.

That was lovely, but now I need to go and pretend she needs my help packing.

Unwrapping this moment with my growing-up girl with emily at chatting at the sky, cause she wrote about high school girls today too.  


  1. sounds like it will be an amazing journey for her! we will be headed to new orleans in (eek) a week & a half for our national lutheran youth gathering. like you, i am amazed that my daughter is old enough to go! and... incredibly thankful that eric & i are the chaperones. and three more years until cam gets his turn. time is flying!

  2. It just does my heart good to hear of young people making God choices. I know your Mama heart is about to explode with joy!

  3. This brings back the BEST memories of those youth group conventions! Definitely the best times of my youth. :)

  4. I love that she picked seminars that were more than just entertaining... ones that she has an opportunity to learn from. That is a beautiful mature young lady you have raised!

    Oh my goodness... than man can make some seriously beautiful music!!

  5. How sweet, Dawn... and I love that guitar-picking. Making memories with your young daughter as she approaches adulthood is so special.

  6. Sounds like your daughter is a sweet, beautiful person. Such a blessing to see our children choosing to follow the Lord. :) Thanks for visiting my place today!

  7. Praying that my daughter will grow up to be a woman after God's own heart...sounds like yours is doing exactly that!! Oh and thanks for sharing that video...SO beautiful!

  8. It was INCREDIBLE! I loved getting to spend time with your daughter this past week! She is one amazing girl with a heart of gold! What a great time!

  9. Found your blog recently and have been reading some of your older posts. Our youth group went to Life this year also. Our kids are too small, but it sounds like a great event!


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