Thursday, July 22, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I can't say I have a green thumb.  At all.   In fact, I think I have a gray thumb.

My houseplants are often almost dead before I notice and water them.  They eventually get tired of my game of bringing them back to life at the last possible second and give up the fight.

I love flowers, and every spring I plant annuals in my yard--this year it's cute little pansies in the front bed, and large pots of purple petunias at the top of our driveway.  Well, as is typical, it's July and the pansies are pretty much gone and the petunias have seen better days.

I try to do the perenial thing know, the plants that are supposed to come back up every year? Mine rarely do.  I could say it's challenging to grow things in Colorado (it is).  I could say my flowers were hammered with hail (that happens every year).  But the truth is, I just stink at growing things.

Thankfully, I am better at taking care of kids than plants.  My kids are thankful for that too.  {smile}

Last week, we had a mini-family-reunion and vacation here in CO.  I enjoyed family time and our adventures immensely.  I knew I would.  However, an unexpected pleasure were the wildflowers.  We saw them all over--even this late in the season.  SO beautiful and unique and planted by God  (He seems to be WAY better at growing things in Colorado {smile}).  I love that the are sitting there, beautifully coloring the landscape whether anyone ever sees them or not.  For some reason, I found their presence and beauty calming--a reminder of God's attention to detail in the midst of what seems like the chaos of life sometimes.

Today, Dayle invited me to join her first ever blog party--simple pleasures.  Immediately I thought of the wildflowers.  I'm glad I took time to photograph some of them.  They make me smile.  I think they make God smile too.


  1. Oh, I REALLY love this. Not only can I relate to the gray thumb. (mine is brown) but I relate to the wildflowers very much.

    I'm very much of a wildflower myself. Sounds odd, but I am. Any beauty that I have at all is only because of Him.

  2. This Texas girl, loved the bluebonnet. :-) God's handiwork just can't be beat.

  3. The flowers are beautiful! I have never seen that first one before. Love it!

  4. Well you may have a gray thumb, but you have a great eye for photography. Beautiful shots and yes, they made me smile, too. Thanks for linking up today.

  5. Wow, Dawn. Those were lovely flowers! So glad you joined Dayle's party. Susan

  6. Dawn, those are lovely photos! I love the part about saving the plants just in the nick of time. Hey, sounds like me....Blessings for even the simple things.

  7. Wow! I've never been to Colorado so I love your gorgeous photos of these wildflowers. Thanks for sharing on Dayle's Simple Pleasures!


  8. i love the flowers... oh i must love flowers! and another parallel on our lives is... the gray thumb :)


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