Tuesday, August 31, 2010

back to high school

didn't have one of these in high school...

Last night was back-to-school night at my daughter's new high school.  The past three years, her middle school's back to school nights involved a large meeting of piles of parents together in the gym, where the teachers were introduced, gave brief comments, the principal talked and that was it.

And while it did help me put faces of teachers with their names, it always left me a little wanting.  I begrudgingly accepted that the days of sitting at her little desk and seeing her first week's work proudly displayed on a bulletin board were gone.

Until last night.  Pickle's new school had us travel through their day, according to their schedule for 7 minute classes.  I walked her hallways, climbed the stairs she climbs (up and down over and over I discovered!), sat in the desks she sits in and heard from the teachers that are investing in her life.  I saw the very bright green wall she looks at as she learns French.  I saw the messages the teachers choose to display in their rooms, the boards assignments are written on, and the way the desks are arranged in each room.  I heard each teacher share from their hearts who they are, and what their hopes and dreams for their students are.

Oh, and I learned that they actually use that expensive calculator I had to buy her every day in class--it links up with the teacher's computer and receives assignments.  They do the assignments on the calculator and they upload back to the teacher.  (I'll pause here in case that makes your brain hurt just a little like it does mine...)

I also got to experience what Pickle has these first few weeks in a new school.  I was the one who didn't know anybody, who went to the wrong classroom at one point, and who hardly talked to anyone all night.  Thank God we didn't have lunch! :0)

Back-to-school nights are annual events for us parent-types, to be dutifully attended and in some cases, endured.  But on this Tuesday, I am celebrating this night.  I am celebrating that I can picture Pickle's whole high school thing now.   I didn't just hear about it, but I experienced it.  You can't put a  price on that.

Joining with emily and others at chatting at the sky where we celebrate small things on Tuesdays.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. Our high school does the same thing. This will be year four for me to experience this night and I still get a little nervous - our high school has almost 4,000 students and nine buildings on the campus. That's bigger than the university I attended! My son (who is very tender-hearted, I should add) is always so sweet and guides me to each building and room, introduces me to the teacher, and then waits in the hall until I'm finished. This year, my daughter is at that school, too. Fortunately, she has some of the same teachers that her brother has had in the past AND I've gotten to know many of the parents over the last few years, too, which helps.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a wonderful idea! And that calculator? Yeah. I felt very old when I saw what those things can do. For that price it ought to do the work for you.

  4. Wow. My daughter is just now starting preschool - her first day is next week and I have the jitters! And, she asked me the other day about computers and when I was a kid, and i was like, we didn't have them back then! So funny :)

  5. I am sure you just blinked and she was in high school. I can't imagine my little ones walking through the high school hallways, but I know it's coming. Praying already for those days ahead. Praying He reveals Himself in and through them. Blessings.

  6. Our middle schools and high schools do the same thing in this area. i love it - and i love how lost the parents always get. :-)

  7. My kids' middle school does it that way too. I love it because, like you, I feel like I get a tiny glimpse of their day. I'm glad she's liking her new school. And man, oh man, I dread the day that I have to buy the expensive calculator. I've heard from more than a few friends that the "day" is coming. :)

  8. laura's night is coming up next week. i look forward to it becuase it lets me peek into her life... and you are right. it is a gift :) that and not having lunch!!!


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