Friday, September 3, 2010

moments of the week

Weeks are made of days, days made of moments.  Here are some moments from my week.

Informative moment of the week:  Attending Pickle's high school back-to-school night allowed me to picture all she experiences each day.  I wrote more about it here.

Frustrating moment (s) of the week:  Hubby's back pain has been dominating his days this week.  He has missed more work than he has been able to be at.  Poor guy.  We all get frustrated for him.  The doc keeps trying things.  We keep praying...

Encouraging moment of the week:  While checking facebook this morning, I saw that Pickle's status yesterday said "I think I just might like my school..."  {huge smile on my face}.

Creepy moment of the week: We had a large house fly in our house driving us crazy.  I eventually hit it with a rolled up magazine and it fell to our counter.  I walked away to take care of something else, and within a few minutes pickle was screaming that the fly had babies!  I came over and looked at it, and sure enough, there were tiny white string-like things squirming all around it!  I quickly and thoroughly cleaned it up at that point.  I don't think flies have live births, so I am not sure what it was exactly.  Did a little research, got progressively more grossed out, and decided to stop thinking about it... yikes.

Meaningful moment of the week:  Our pastor called us to a day of fasting and prayer on Wednesday to intercede for some serious health needs in our church that have recently arisen.  I must admit, I have fasted from meals, but very rarely for a whole day.  I fasted from food and media.  I found it very difficult, particularly the media part--which is quite telling, and served it's purposed of calling my focus to God.  After a day of fasting, as many as could came together for a prayer meeting.  We had a very encouraging turn out of people ready and willing to pray.  Many were prayed for, for all sorts of needs.  People prayed alone, in pairs, in families, and in groups.  I was touched by a group of high schoolers surrounding their friend facing surgery this week to pray.  I was moved when another high schooler wept through prayer with our elders for his needs.  My husband  also had the elders pray for him and his back.  I am trusting that God can heal him, and I wait.

Mundane moment(s) of the week:  Driving back and forth to the kids' school--about 20 minutes each way.  Since my hubby works there, he normally does the majority of the driving. Since he is laid up, I'm doing my share of playing school bus driver.  I'm trying to enjoy the time in the car.  Yesterday, Bubba wasn't feeling well when he woke up. The cold he's been fighting seemed to have done him in, so he stayed home with dad.  I drove pickle to school.  Returned 45 minutes later to find a perky, much better boy.  So, he hopped in the car and we went back.  :0)  I had to laugh at myself thinking I would rarely have to drive them--and here I was doing it twice in one morning.  And of course again in the afternoon...

Many moments.  Some wonderful, some hard, some neither.  All part of the Good life.  

Linking up with my friends the Company Girls today.


  1. Loved the format of this post - what a nice glimpse into your world this week!

    Glad Pickle is easing into her new school home. Prayed for your husband just now!

  2. Carrie @

    Hi, Dawn!
    I found your blog by accident--love your honest renderings of your familys life. Im truly sorry for your hubbys health problems. I have a autoimmune disease that crippled me for years. Only in the past year have I had some measure of better health. I really relied on my husband during those dark days. Im sure your husband appreciates all you do for him.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. That fly story is *gross*. I don't know what is up with the flies this year. They seem worse than usual to me!

    I'm so sorry about your husband's back. I hope he's up and moving normally soon.

  4. Dawn, I liked this post. Do hope your hubby will feel better and am thinking this will be a good school year for Pickle.

  5. your creepy moment of the week super creeped me out. i got a little dizzy. ewww.

    hope dave's back is improving. you guys are in my prayers.

    as for pickle and high school -- i hope she has a great time. i just sent mine off to college.

    it's a fast little world we live in.

  6. oh, the good the bad & the ugly... but you are right. all a part of the Good life :) wishing you way more happy moments than ugly!


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