Monday, August 23, 2010

the furry watchman

He keeps watch.  While I sit and let God's Word soak in, while I journal in my favorite spot, He's there.  He is making sure no squirrels sneak up on us.   Making sure the neighborhood kids don't harm us on their way to school.  He looks out on the day.  Takes it all in.  I wonder if he thinks about anything while he performs his daily watch.

I love having this pup around.  He is funny, and loving, and a reminder to our family of God's gifts to us.

Although an ordinary sight for our household, I pause to grab a few photos and enjoy him--in all of his "i'm-so-big-standing-at-the-window-I'll-scare-the-birds-away" kind of way.  And, I must admit I think his tushy is pretty cute when he stands up (not so) big and tall, don't you think? (I just weirded some of you out, huh?)

Celebrating the small things.  That's what we do on tuesdays with emily at chatting at the sky.  Click on over to join the celebration.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. He's so cute! Mine won't let me out of her sight. She's under my feet at all times!

  2. Cute! I love how he gaurds you from the squirels.

  3. the family i used to nanny for years ago, had a sweet dog just like yours, and she did the exact same thing! always a brave watchdog...esp. from inside. ;)

  4. So cute, your little protector!

  5. My mother-in-law has one of these dogs - they're so cute!

  6. Aww... he is so cute! I get it! After falling in love with our weimaraner, I do know what a gift from God he truly is! :)

  7. Awww! Your puppy is simply precious! Schnauzers are just adorable all around! Especially their little beards! And they do have that "I'm so big! I'll protect us"! So fun! What a blessing!

  8. So cute! Thanks for stopping by my site yesterday. It is great to "meet" you. We have a bird thing going. nice.


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