Thursday, August 19, 2010

I won! I won!

Confession:  I've been coveting.  Coveting Lisa Leonard jewelry.  For a while.  Have you seen her beautiful line of hand stamped silver jewelry?  A. DOR. A. BLE!

I enter every Lisa Leonard giveaway I come across, even when I'm unfamiliar with the blog.

Last week, one of my fav bloggers, Robin at Pensieve had a Blog Hop.  I joined in on the fun by posting as well as entering a few giveaways.  The one I most wanted was the $50 Lisa Leonard credit.  Today Robin announced the winners.  I casually scrolled down her post.

And what do you know, I won!!!  I am SO excited!  Thanks Robin and Lisa!

But now I have a problem.  What should I pick?  Here are some of my favorites:

I would include all five of our names on this family tree necklace.

And the three kids (including Aidan's) initials on this one:

I could choose the "be still" necklace cause God had been teaching me to be quiet more, and listen more, and trust more.  (and cause it has a bird!)

Lisa designed this necklace in honor of Audrey--Angie Smith's precious daughter who has gone to Jesus.  Having a little guy who is in heaven too--I thought I might need this "marked by love" necklace with his name on the back.

And then this one...which is just so super cute.

Are you coveting now too?  I'm sorry.  Pretend you are me and help me pick...please?


  1. I pick #1, the family tree! But they're all nice!

  2. OOooo! Her jewelry is so beautiful! Lucky you! I think you should pick the family tree necklace too :]

  3. dawn! i am thrilled for you! i love gift certificate-type things, but then i have the hardest time making a choice! i get it! i love the family tree... but i also love #2 (and ALL the rest!)... and couldn't you ask her to tag the birdie from #5 on it?! wouldn't that be great?

    i am so hoping our lives will parallel this week:) i entered one of her give-aways, too... or, my friend entered to win an africa necklace and said it was for me if she won. :)

  4. I would pick the family tree... followed closely by the "be still" one. BUT, would be happy with any of them. I've seen her stuff quite often on the blogosphere and love it, too.

    You'll have to tell us which one you choose!


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