Friday, August 13, 2010

Life in no particular order (sweetened by cuteness)

Monday night I wrote about how I have discovered I love to write.  Tuesday I wrestled with figuring out how to make a Facebook page for my blog, and have the posts find their way there automatically. (If you are on Facebook, feel free to "like" my page there!) Then time to write alluded me the rest of the week.  Even today, I am barely eeking out this post to greet the company girls.  Maybe time to write will come soon.

Here's what's going on in our world (in no particular order):

We've spent some good time holding sweet cuties, which totally sweetened our week.  I took the kids to visit my friend's puppy while she is still pretty tiny.  They fell in love with her as I knew they would.  This little bundle is named Revy.  Isn't she something?

And, whenever we get the chance, we get our hands on my little niece.  I am soaking up the littleness, the floppiness, the newness of her.  I enjoyed the chance to change a poopy diaper,  finagle her wiggly body into different clothes, and burp her.  Tasks that were mundane when mine were little bring great joy now that I realize how fleeting those moments are.  She is precious.

don't you love that little leg hanging out of Pickle's arms??

We are wrapping our minds around the fact that school starts next week.  Brand new school for Pickle with new friends to meet.  Bits of paperwork to wrap up, the last few supplies to buy.  I feel less organized and ready than I ever have.

My hubby's parents are arriving today from FL for a few weeks.  They have driven their RV here, and they willingly submit themselves to our busy lives, catching time with us when they can.  The kids will spend the night with them tonight while hubby and I hang with the groupies.

Work is busy and exciting as I prepare for a new school year and new program for the kids at church.  I'm pulling together my team, exploring new materials, and watching the clock move too fast to get it all done.  My pastor (and boss) is an excellent coach, and I am growing as he challenges me.  I don't take that for granted.

And that plan to shred myself?  I did six days of it.  Never began to like it.  Then I got sidetracked with a week of waterparks, baby's arriving and a two day conference.  Now I'm dragging my feet about starting again...guess I'll be embracing the flab for a little longer.

I'm sad summer is over.  And yet, as always at this point of the year, I'm craving routine.  I'm ready for the house to stay the way I leave it in the morning all the way until the afternoon.  Not sure I'm ready for the faster pace...but it doesn't matter, here we go!


  1. I say enjoy the summer...I have the Shred here, too and thought I should restart it but I just can't get motivated...maybe eventually!

    Enjoy the family time and the last days of summer, school has already started here and it is quite depressing!

  2. Revy looks just like my dog. I love miniature schnauzers!
    I started the shred at one time, too, but it was cutting into my blogging time! lol

  3. A facebook page--how fun!
    Ah, the 30 day shred. I'm doing it off and on recently.

  4. Ah, I love routine too and pretty much can have it at this point in my life. And, it will get there for you all too quickly. Enjoy your weekend and it was great visiting with you today. Blessings!

  5. If you were over here in "sunny" CA, you wouldn't even know it was summer. I do love that leg hanging out. I'm hoping there will be another nephew or niece in my future because there's something about babies...especially ones that don't live at your house. =p I'm looking forward to some routine too!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Love all those "little" things you got to hold! Enjoy the weekend, too!


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