Monday, November 1, 2010

weekend pics

I'm usually a Halloweenie.  In other words, not really into Halloween.  I don't do scary.  Hate it.  Fun costumes and candy I like--but bloody and scary and freaky not so much.  Our neighborhood really embraces the scary...and it's creepy around these parts on October 31.

I'm always glad for November 1st.

However, we decided our alternative halloween celebrations were not very neighborly, and decided to participate this year.  We decided to do a food drive as part of our trick or treating, and to serve hot cider to the parents who came by.  We enjoyed ourselves--and got to see lots of cuties come by--dressed in all manner of costumes. 

The one that got the biggest chuckle out of me last night was a teenaged guy who came by dressed as a large gift box--complete with pink wrapping and fancy bows.  On his box was a gift tag that read:  "To:  Ladies  From:  God"  That guy needs to work on his self-esteem huh?

Our weekend also included having friends and family help us lug Bubba's heavy new loft bed up to his room, as well as Bubba's last soccer game of the season--complete with team party afterwards.  We also got to attend a Harvest Party at a friends farm that was great fun.

Here are some pics of our full but fun weekend.

Bubba's soccer team party. 
Bubba as a Chilean Miner--ready for a halloween party at a friend's.

Pickle as a greek goddess--ready for the party too.

Pickle finds a kitten in our friends' barn during the party.

Pumpkin carving contest--first encounter of Bubba's with the pulp.  blech!

Pickle getting creative.
The finished product--can you tell it's a fish bowl?

Hubby manning our trick or treat station on Halloween--candy for kids, hot cider for parents and a food drive.

A little ladybug stopped by--sweet Maisie!

My sis Kerry and her sweet ladybug.

Ladybug's big brother as a race car driver.

Pickle's friend joined she, Bubba and Caleb for trick or treating and food collection.


  1. the kids looked great....where did bubba find that shirt? great idea for a costume.
    loved looking at the pics.
    also--ahem--uh, could you get any cooler than giving out hot cider AND collecting food? where do you find the time to think this stuff up?
    YOU ROCK dear sister!

  2. Really cute costumes! Love the Chilean Miner!


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