Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm marveling...

Bubba is ten today.  Double-digits!  It's easy for warm reflections to fill my mind.  I am sentimental looking back at the way God used this tiny boy as a balm of healing to my wounded heart.  Smiles cross my face as I remember the cute little tike he was.  I suppose it could be bittersweet to realize how grown up my youngest is.

(Indulge me as I share three of my favorite little-bubba pics--I can't resist.)

 a decade ago
riding shotgun in poppop's rv

ring-bearer extraordinaire

However, today I want to celebrate who God has made Bubba to be.  With each year, his unique make-up, his gifts and talents, his personality, are revealed with a bit more clarity.  We marvel at God's workmanship in creating this boy.

We got another glimpse of Bubba through the eyes of his teachers last week at his parent-teacher conference.  His teachers used these words to describe him:

a joy
enthusiastic learner
sees God in life easily
a strong faith--he "gets it" 
a careful communicator 
a deep thinker
hard worker
quick to serve
bold to share his faith verbally

We did talk briefly about some of his academic challenges, but the conference focused on qualities that will exist well-past his 4th grade academic achievements.

My heart swells.  Not with pride (well, maybe a little) but with gratitude.  Gratitude for teachers who take the time to really know my son.  Gratitude for their willingness to share their observations with us, rather than just focusing on reading and math.  Gratitude for this marvelous boy that God has given us the privilege of parenting.

October 2010
Unwrapping the gifts of my son and of special teachers today with emily at chatting at the sky.


  1. Happy Birthday to Bubba! You should be proud! What a cutie, too.

  2. Those pictures are adorable! Happy Birthday, Bubba!

  3. Linking through Tuesdays Unwrapped... so glad I stopped in!

    Two years after your sweet Aiden, we lost our Matthew on May 20, 2001. It will be 10 years in May and I haven't forgotten... nor will I ever.

    Thanks for sharing pictures of your 10 year old!! Happy birthday to him!


  4. We are having our first parent-teacher conference this week. I never quite appreciated how fulfilling it can be to hear someone else praise your child. Happy birthday!

  5. I love my daughter's teacher and have considered her a blessing from the beginning. I'm excited about seeing those qualities develop in our kids and watch them being used by God!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes, those wonderful character traits will be far more noticed than any academic achievement this world affords. What a special entry!

    Blessings to a very special little boy and his family.


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