Sunday, January 2, 2011

starting again...

It's a new year.  It's time to start over.  Make resolutions.  Have a fresh start.  I like the reflection that comes with this time of year...but I'm a little behind in the reflecting department.  We just returned from vacation in Florida late last night, and today, I've been rather comatose.

In my semi-conscious state tonight, I am beginning to think about what I want to strive for this new year.  And I am realizing, I don't really want anything new...just to get back to what I was already striving for.  I want to get back to blogging regularly (how did almost a month go by?).  To cut down on my diet coke consumption.  To eat healthier.  To cook more.  To exercise often.  To have fun family time.  To keep up with housework and laundry.  To show my husband how much I love him.  To be quiet enough to listen to God's voice leading me.

None of these things are new.  I'm not setting new goals.  I'm just starting again...  I'm starting again to make the little daily choices that add up to being who I want to be.  And I'm good with that.  God's mercies are new every morning and I'm starting again...

Happy New Year, bloggies.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you are striving to do all of those things...they are GREAT things!
    but on your journey of striving to be who we want to be (i'm on it too!) don't are already an amazing woman!
    love you sister.


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