Friday, September 30, 2011


Check me out--my third post this week!  I'm trying hard to get back into the blog-groove.  I do love it...

It's Friday!  Time for a cell-phone pics only glimpse of the Good life.  It's been a few weeks since I shared some instagram pictures, so these insta-glimpses are highlights from a few weeks of cell-phone photography.  Enjoy!

Labor Day Weekend Balloon Classic-a favorite family tradition.
Bubba's spoon-hanging skills.
I didn't take this one--Dave forwarded this one to be from a high-school football game they attended.  I like it.  :0)
My bird feeder usually attracts little finches and the like--this day I spotted a large magpie sitting on the bird feeder hook.
Bubba stacking cups in Sunday School.  We plan "Anticipate" activities for the kids to do when they arrive--this was a teaser for a lesson on the Tower of Babel.
This lovely colorful shot is of our powder bath door last week--the room was sealed off due to black mold remediation.  Oh yeah--facing a bathroom remodel....but not by choice.

Added the My Sketch app to my phone this week and "sketched " this photo of my kids from the summer.  Fun!

On a totally more serious note--today is 12 years since our son Aidan died.  For the first time I didn't notice the day sneaking up on me...and was hours into the day before I realized it was September 30.  I felt guilty about that, then decided it was just another sign of healing.  We love you sweet Aidan...

Linking up today with jeannett at Life Rearranged for Insta-Friday and with the Company Girls at Home Sanctuary.
life rearranged


  1. Love the cell phones pic idea. . .last week I did a random post like that, but just because I thought to put the 1000+ pics from the last two years on the computer! Should make it more "regular". . .cell phone pics do tend to be more spontaneous, I think.

  2. Fun photos! Thanks for sharing with us. Love the balloon photo too. I have to check to see if they have something like that around here.


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