Saturday, November 12, 2011

thirty thankful days-day 12-a day away

Every day in November I am posting something I'm thankful for, and I would love to have you join me!  Link to your thankful post below, or write about it in the comments.  Let's be thankful together!

Today I'm thankful for the day away I had yesterday.  I took a little personal retreat--a day away from the normal distractions of life, to a different setting.  It was a day to think, pray, journal, read and listen.  I knew there were some things I needed to spend some extended time with God on, and it worked out for me to spend my day off doing just that.

First of all, check out the awesome sunrise that greeted me at home that morning.  Breathtaking.

Not far from my home there is a catholic retreat center--where I was able to have a little room for the day.  It was a blessing to be there.  When I arrived in my room, I quickly went to the window and looked out to see what my view was.  The first thing I saw was him.

taken from my window                                       
This buck stayed outside my window almost the whole day, and I spent a lot of time watching him and the other deer who ate, played and rested on the lawn outside my room.  In fact, I pulled the chair in my room over to the window and camped out there.  There are often deer on the grounds there, but I thought it was a special gift from God for so many to be in my view as I sat and read and wrote and prayed.

Even though it was cold, I went for a walk on the grounds in the afternoon.  The deer were all over, and it seemed like at times they were just posing for me to snap their pictures.  I only had my cell phone with me...but I snapped away.

It was a good day.  I'm thankful.

What are you thankful for?  Link up or comment!  Let's fill up blogland with thankfulness!

A few simple instructions for the link up:
-please link to your specific thankful post--not just your blog
-please link back to theGoodlife in your post so others can join the fun!
-feel free to grab the 30 thankful days graphic--I haven't figured out how to make it a button yet.  I'm such a techy, huh?


  1. WOW! What a blessing!!! to start off the day with a sky like that is sweet in itself, to have the buck outside your window though takes it over the top. yet, you even had more! Love it! I hope that day was filled with deep moments with the Lord that blessed richly.

  2. Dawn, what an amazing treat from the Lord! Lovely, lovely.


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