Sunday, November 13, 2011

thirty thankful days-day 13-crazy night

Every day in November I am posting something I'm thankful for, and I would love to have you join me!  Link to your thankful post below, or write about it in the comments.  Let's be thankful together!

Well, as I've mentioned before, we had a mess in the bathroom a few months back.  This past week our friend Brent finished the work and we have a functional bathroom again!  Last night I decided to shop my basement for some things to put on the new bare walls--see what I could make work from the random things I have stored down there.  I looked for a while in our storage room, and then remembered something that might be in the closet in the guest room.  I headed in there, and then...SQUISH.  My sock feet were wet from a soaking wet carpet!  OHNO!  This room is directly below our newly fixed bathroom.  I looked up and found a giant bubble in the ceiling where the paint was catching a leak.

Yikes!  I yelled for hubby to come quickly, and the craziness of the night began.  Turned water off.  Called my dad for help.  He came.  Called our friend Brent.  He came.  Pickle needed a shower--called my sister to see if we could come shower at her house.  She said yes.  And then the dog had a scary seizure in the midst of it all.  Crazy night..

Long story short:  the leak wasn't as bad as we all thought it was.  Brent was able to find it and fix it.  The casualties only seem to be about half a room of carpet pad and some drywall.  And by ten-thirty, the water was on, showers could happen, and we were back to normal.  Even my doggie seemed back to his normal self.  Whew.

Here's some lovely pics of how it looks today.

this is the closet area where the leak was.

the other side of the room with the contents of the closet and the folded back carpet.

The closet doors and the contents of our furnace room (also affected) in our playroom.
So why be thankful for this crazy night?  Not sure I am, but there are lots of things to be thankful for in the midst.

1)  I'm thankful I went down there!  Seriously, I can go weeks without going into that room.  That could have been a mess with a capital M, huh?
2)  I'm thankful for my husband who sprung into action to take care of things.
3)  I'm thankful for my dad and Brent who came, when they were probably headed to bed, to help us out.
4)  I'm thankful Brent was able to find the problem.
5)  I'm thankful this is not a-whole-nother insurance claim.
6)  I'm thankful when we were in full-on panic mode, Bubba and I were able to sit down and pray together about it.
7)  I'm thankful my sweet dog is OK now.
8)  And I'm thankful that we could shower and brush our teeth and all those things one should do before heading to church.  :0)

So, in spite of it all...and in spite of the mess down there at the moment...I am very thankful.

What are you thankful for?  Link up or comment!  Let's fill up blogland with thankfulness!

A few simple instructions for the link up:
-please link to your specific thankful post--not just your blog
-please link back to theGoodlife in your post so others can join the fun!
-feel free to grab the 30 thankful days graphic--I haven't figured out how to make it a button yet.  I'm such a techy, huh?


  1. I think about the contrast of your last few days, going from a peaceful retreat to a night of high action. Glad it all worked out for you! How nice that you have people in your life that were able to remedy it.

  2. Isn't it great, in those type of situations, to be able to look at the good parts? To focus on the blessings? I feel so sad for people who can't or won't do that.
    I'm so glad you headed down there just in time!


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