Monday, November 14, 2011

thirty thankful days-day 14-online techy tutorials?

Every day in November I am posting something I'm thankful for, and I would love to have you join me!  Link to your thankful post below, or write about it in the comments.  Let's be thankful together!

I'm thankful for online tutorials today.  I know this might sound particularly mundane, but as I sit down to type this post, it's what pops to mind first.  Why?  I know you are dying to know...

It was a weird Sunday for things with buttons it seemed.  After our crazy Saturday night, we were off and running to church in the morning--arriving early enough for me to get a few last minute things done before the morning began.  I had a few things to copy--but the office copier malfunctioned and was useless for copying.  Bad day for that.  Then the projector we hook up to my computer to show our music DVD and our power point for our kids' program would not project.  Yikes!  When we finally got it projecting, my computer changed colors and everything looked kinda green.  We tried a few things and just ended up going with the greenish glow.  It was pretty funny as our storyteller talked to the kids about the three colors of yarn used in the tabernacle--and they were all green in the pictures! {smile}  And during the first song we sang, no sound for the first verse.  Ah, joy.

Anyway, let's just say I was not in the mood for my iphone to completely freeze up tonight while trying to do an update.  I didn't know iphones did that.  I mean, I pressed every button, plugged it in and out of the computer, etc. and nothing.  The screen had an apple logo with a empty bar beneath it--and I couldn't get it to go away or do anything.  I showed my hubby and he tried a few things to no avail.  I started down the thought-road of: when would I have time to get it looked at, how I might let people know I'm not getting their messages or phone calls, all the stuff I had on there that I still wanted, etc.
My phone looks like this...Pickle picked the case.  :0)
With only a little bit of panic, I googled it.  "iphone frozen" came up and I clicked it.  It took me through everything I should do and it worked!  I was able to put it into recovery mode and then restore it to a backed up copy of my own iphone data!  I know some of you could do this with one hand tied behind your back, but not me.  I usually defer to someone who knows.  And, I guess I did...but this time the someone was a kind person who thought to post a little online-tutorial.  And it saved my life!!  Well, not really, but I can imagine today being a very different day without my phone.  I guess I've come to rely on it...just a bit.

So, I guess God has been teaching me not to take things for granted these days...working bathrooms, dry carpet and functional phones--I might have ignored those blessings had I not experienced their temporary loss.

So thank you God for online tutorials, and for reminding me of my blessings.

What are you thankful for?  Link up or comment!  Let's fill up blogland with thankfulness!

A few simple instructions for the link up:
-please link to your specific thankful post--not just your blog
-please link back to theGoodlife in your post so others can join the fun!
-feel free to grab the 30 thankful days graphic--I haven't figured out how to make it a button yet.  I'm such a techy, huh?


  1. In your same vein, I am thankful for the internet. Google especially. When I moved in to my house, there was no manual for my programmable thermostat. NO MANUAL!!!
    So I googled it. And wouldn't you believe, it only took me a minute to find it and print the instructions on how to change the thermostat settings.
    Isn't it amazing? I think about 15 years ago, and the stuff that wasn't available...blows my mind. Glad you found what you needed! :)

  2. Seeing the string of things happening in your life lately makes me wonder what God is up to! Glad that it all worked out with the on line help. My hubby is a software engineer and doubles as my on line help. I find I need to use him often in this role. :)


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