Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally checking back in with the Company Girls!

It's been three weeks since I linked up with the Company Girls to say hello and catch up.  I've missed it!  So what follows is a minute-by-minute, detailed account of the last three weeks.

Just kidding.  (although perhaps it might feel like that to you)  :)

It's been the typical end-of-May craziness for our family.  End of school festivities, VBS planning kicking into high gear and the yard screaming for some attention.  Throw in some a few special family days (Aidan's would-be-11th birthday and our 20th anniversary) and you have the perfect recipe for a messy house, and too many fast food meals.  I am excited about the three day weekend in hopes of catching up a bit.  Or at least taking a few deep breaths.

Here's a few highlights of the last few days for those of you still reading.  Bubba had his last day of school on Wednesday--it was a half day with Field Day in the morning and a picnic after school let out.  I volunteered for Field Day and supervised a fun game involving squirting each other with water bottles.  There were several water games, which was great on a warm day.

Bubba running through the sprinklers with a cotton ball between chopsticks in a relay race.

Preparing for boot camp I guess.

Pickle still has a few more days of school (done Wednesday) but had her 8th Grade "Continuation" Celebration last night.  They got dressed up and had a dance following the ceremony.  She had a great time, but she's growing up a bit too fast!

Pickle with Bubba

Pickle with one of her best friends.

We've been helping her pick her high school classes at the Christian School she is headed to in the fall--and the current big decision is between choir and band.  She is a music girl for sure--hard choice.

Hubby's back is still plaguing him, but he went to a new doctor yesterday that seems determined to get to the bottom of the issue and get him functioning again.  We're thankful and trying to be hopeful.

As a family we have been trying to rein in our diet.  We've been trying to eat whole grains, limit sugar and avoid too many processed foods.  It's been going OK, but our repertoire for quick healthy meals is pretty limited at this point.  And this last week I have felt like a major failure when it comes to feeding my family.  I've thrown away meat I defrosted and never cooked, bought numerous fast food meals and have not been grocery shopping in over a week.  Yikes!  Need to get my act together again.

I did buy this:

with hopes of a munchy, somewhat healthy snack.  It's been in my car for a week, and so far has not made us any popcorn!  I am going to try bringing it the house any day now.  And  I am going to try butter spray with some seasoning with hopes of it tasting good.  I'll take any tips from you hot-air popping healthy-types out there.  :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. Hi! Just stopping over from CG.. I have an 8th grade grad this year as well, and yes, they grow up too fast!m Blessings on your day.

  2. May is crazy for everyone it seems. We've got my sister's wedding coming up, so the bridal shower is at my house next week. Eeks! We just had Emily's 1st birthday party here at the beginning of the month so we basically left some tables and chairs out, so I'm ready to be done with hosting for awhile. =p

    8th grade!! I remember it well. Okay, not so much, but I'm sure there were fun times. Pickle's dress is super cute.

    Field day looks so much fun. Here in sunny California, we have been having tons of rain so I can't even think about running through sprinklers.

    Hope the new doctor can figure out what's going on. My dad has been having a bit of pain lately, so I entered this giveaway for a book. Kind of unrelated, but it made me think of it. =p

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. We have one of those air popper popcorn machines. It's on the top shelf in our laundry room. It seems to be mostly for decoration. I think of it each time we pour oil in the pan on top of the stove and melt the butter (real butter, that is) in the microwave for the stove-top homemade popcorn which we devour in less than a minute.

  4. Hi Dawn! Just wanted to say that you have beautiful kiddos...the picture of the two of them is so cute! And I can totally relate to May being CRAZY! I feel like we haven't stopped and unfortunately June looks about the same. ;)


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