Friday, January 7, 2011

I asked for a Christmas miracle...

If you read my blog, you might be tired of me talking about my hubby's back issues.  If  you want to read the drama of this week, click here and then here.  So, forgive me for mentioning it again, but this time it is to say something positive!  :0)

The week prior to Christmas, Dave was pretty much flat-out with back-pain.  We were scheduled to fly to FL at 6 am on Christmas day to visit his folks and take in DisneyWorld for three days.  I wasn't sure how he was going to do it...flying, luggage, walking, etc.  And the kids (and I) get so disappointed when he has to sit out of family things.  So, I asked God for a Christmas miracle.  I remember telling God that I understand that if this pain is in His Big-G-Good plan for us right now, that it may not go away.  I understand He has His purposes.  But I asked if there was anyway within His will for Dave to be able to be with us at Disney--so we could have a good family time together--would He please give us that miracle.

I am here to say that we got our miracle!  Dave was not pain-free by any means, but he was able to be up and around.  He got through the flights, and out of three days at the parks--He missed only one evening.  I am so thankful and wanted to give God the glory for that provision for our family.

I should have also prayed for the weather--cause it was FREEZING!  We now own mickey scarves and hats and fleeces and jackets... but we had fun and made a memory.  It was also super-crowded.  We've gone at Christmas time before--but this was more nuts than I ever remember.  Thankfully, we weren't feeling like we had to do everything--cause we never could have!  Special thanks to Nana and PopPop for making our trip was great!

Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Checking out the animal kingdom lodge. 
Pickle and Bubba with Mickey.

Nana and PopPop with the kids--waiting for Epcot's Candle Processional.

Dave and me riding the tram into Disney's Hollywood Studios.  Like my neon Mickey scarf? 
The kids after Bubba braved the Rockin' Roller Coaster for the first time.

Dave and the kids at Magic Kingdom on our last day--see, he's there!

That's our Christmas catch-up.  Linking up with Rachel and my friends over at Home Sanctuary today.


  1. Praising God with you - what an awesome gift you received!

    I've read your recent posts (even though I didn't comment at the time) and always pray for Dave each time you mention him.

    Be blessed!

  2. Great pictures! I am so glad he was able to be a part of things with you guys. Can't wait to hang out with you. Love you all!

  3. Oh, Dawn, PTL!!! yeah, and the Mickey accesories looked great! Yes, we have had cold down here. Yes, a wonderful answer to prayer.

  4. That is kind of a nice Christmas gift by God. And your willingness to walk through this and accept God's will is inspiring.

    The pictures are great - yet I notice your husband has exceptionally large black ears, and only four fingers on each hand. And what's with the white gloves? Was he this way when you married him? :)

  5. Oh, I'm so glad that God provided a way for Dave to be able to enjoy this time with the family.

    I think of you all often and am holding on to hope that the visit to the Chiropractor is going to be beneficial for future pain relief.

    Happy week-end!

  6. So glad he was able to hang with y'all! We were at Disney over Thanksgiving and the weather was PERFECT but we noticed it got cold right after we left! Oh, well...the memories will be worth it! Have a great weekend!

  7. Praise the Lord for answered prayer!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time - what fun pictures :)

  8. So glad hubby was able to participate! What wonderful memories!


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