Friday, January 22, 2010

tired and trusting

Linking up with the Company Girls at Home Sanctuary today for our weekly blog-chat.

Another week already? Whether they are calm and relaxing, or busy and bustling, or emotionally exhausting--these weeks fly by just as quickly it seems. Dontcha think?

My week has been a bit of the emotionally-tiring type...for no big reasons, just little ones. I have a dumb headache I deal with sometimes and it's been hanging on for over a week now. Not debilitating, just draining. Really draining. We had a scare last Friday night with our daughter. Read about it here. (All is more than OK now). There's been some stuff going on at work that has been emotionally trying. Hubby's work too. And Haiti--ohmy. I've been following along with the blog of a friend's friend who lives there. Again, OHMY. On top of that all--I am weaning off of my medication. Please, please, please pray that goes OK.

I have also been trying to cut WAY down on my diet coke. After a rough morning on Wednesday, hubby wisely suggested I don't wean off my meds and caffiene at the same time. Aah...good thinking, babe.

Yet, there has been plenty of good to counteract the tiring. Had a great talk with my hubby on Saturday that was both emotional and overdue--so glad we found time for that. I decided to be intentional about celebrating all the gifts in my life and determined to document 1000 gifts to be thankful for. Had a great meeting with my children's ministry team--decided on a few things and solved a tough issue. We celebrated my mom's birthday. Some kind friends offered to take something off of my plate. My quiet times have been meaningful.

Oh, and I am reading Same Kind of Different as Me and joining in on the Bloom Book Club with Angie at Bring the Rain. I'm excited! I've been wanting to read more (you know, actual words on pages) and thought the accountability would be good for me. Just got the book and need to read 100 pages by Sunday.

And for the weekend ahead--some good things going on. Bubba has his first-ever basketball game. Pickle is so excited to be going on a jr. high retreat. She is taking three of her friends from school. We are praying that God speaks to hearts there. I get to have coffee with my friend Beth--it's been too long since we could grab any one-on-one time. We have our church's annual meeting--and I'm looking forward to our new pastor casting vision for our church.

So, off we go into another weekend and week ahead! I'm so thankful that through the ups and downs and the predictable and the uncertainty--God is Good all time. I can trust Him with the ride we're on.


  1. Praying you have a great week with more ups than downs. :)

  2. Praying you have a great week with more ups than downs. :)

  3. oh my gosh, I read all about the scare with your daughter. Even the thought of having a teenager scares the daylights out of me.

  4. Headache maybe from weaning off diet coke too? Sorry about the scare. Will have to remember that when DD gets older. Glad to hear everyone is ok. Hope you have a more peaceful weekend!

  5. I love your goal of documenting 1000 gifts! I want to be ever more thankful too. It struck me this week how my children and husband are such undeserved, take-my-breath-away blessings.

  6. I will pray for you! I know how difficult weaning off those meds can be!

  7. It is very frightening when we think our children are in danger...I'm glad all is well and I hope you are able to wean of the meds safely.

  8. So good to have friends and family to help. You are one busy lady! Blessings on the changes you are trying to do.

  9. You've had a full week. Glad you had some good stuff to offset the not so good stuff. Life sure can be draining at times. I too am cutting back on diet isn't easy!

    P.S. I'm a follower now!

  10. I have had a headache for the past two days, too, Dawn ... A migraine which I haven't had in months. I forgot how draining they are. Hope you feel better soon.

    I read Same Kind of Different As Me, too! It is one of my FAVORITE books. I couldn't put it down.

    Here we go again ... more similarities between us! Scary. ;0)

  11. This has been an emotionally draining week here as well. But so far this weekend has been restful and relaxing. I hope that yours is as well.
    As to the Diet Coke. I used to drink a lot, and always said I wanted to quit. I finally did- only because we moved to a place in Africa where I can't buy it! Someone did recently bring me 9 cans which I am spacing out. Good luck with quitting. I hope that you have more willpower than I do!

  12. I'm so glad there is no end to God's faithfulness! He sticks with us through thick and thin.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  13. Sorry about your week, maybe the weekend will be better.

    The Same Kind of Different as Me is a GREAT book. Very inspiring! I read that and Crazy Love both around the same time and they were really life changing!

    Hope your headache goes away and you feel better soon. Go eat a little chocolate. That ALWAYS helps!

  14. I hope you enjoy some deep breaths this weekend!

    Same Kind of Different as me...I finished in the airport, tears and all.

  15. Dawn, I can relate on so many levels. Praying that you have a blessed and productive week.

  16. AMEN! God IS good all the time!!! Nice "visiting" with you. . .

  17. Just stopping by to thanks you for visiting me on my sits day (a couple weeks ago!) Thanks:)

    You asked me what a "mouster's degree" was:
    Disney has a internship program, when completed you receive a mousters- or if you do a special project at the end, you get a "ducktorate".. heehee, silly, I know.


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